
You are among million people globally who regularly give selflessly of their time, energy and skills to help others less fortunate because you know that giving something of yourself brings personal rewards for body and soul as you know too well that helping others is rewarding; gives a sense of purpose and a job well done.

At TPG we could not achieve our objectives without your support and the help of our volunteers. Every ounce of support, be it occasionally or regularly, is vital to help us eradicate the barriers that orphans face. Our volunteers are part of the life-blood of our orphanage. However, if you that is reading this is yet to enjoy same selfless feeling, it is very easy, you can start right away by just registering your interest to volunteer or make a donation.

We also encourage our existing corporate donors and supporters to keep up with the good work they are doing with the orphans and humbly ask you to recommend same and and our orphanage to your organisation.